Blog 5



With the rise in global warming and cost of living in recent times, the criteria for housing have begun to evolve, drifting away from the typical definition of a house – four walls, a roof, and powered by electricity, towards a more inclusive concept of sustainable housing.  Millennials are now driven towards the construction of eco-friendly homes which are crucial to environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation, and affordable housing provision.

As society becomes more eco-conscious, people are becoming more aware of the negative effects on the environment. According to a few surveys conducted by International Publications, over two-thirds of millennials buy as many eco-friendly products as they can, and 66% of global respondents say that they are willing to pay more for products and services which come from companies that are committed to a positive social and environmental impact.


Sustainable house designs incorporate the use of environment-friendly products and take into consideration the natural environment of the site in order to maximize energy efficiency.

They may include components of higher insulation levels (to prevent energy loss, and eliminate any dampness which could lead to the growth of hazardous molds), usage of renewable resources such as solar energy, rainwater harvesting, composting toilets, green covers on roofs (to regulate temperature and produce oxygen) etc.

The concept of net-zero homes is gaining popularity wherein the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created, using sources such as heat pumps and solar panels. So in theory, a net- zero home will make as much electricity on-site as it will consume over the course of one year. This is done by analyzing the local climate, taking into consideration sunlight, wind patterns, rainfall and temperature ranges and using these resources to our advantage. It is a much more holistic project rather than just buying a bunch of solar panels. 


Eco-friendly homes link sustainable materials and practices with better human health and environmental health. And thus, there has been a rising trend in the concept of sustainable real estate.  Sustainable living and eco-friendly housing are revolutionizing the property market, attracting a diverse range of individuals to a better and more efficient way of living.

Eco-homes are now being considered as smart investments, bringing in the dual advantage of affordability as well as sustainability, which is the need of the hour in order to bring about sustainable development.